Jobs For Immigrants – Why Do Good CVs Fail To Get Job Offers?
I see a lot of job applications and job searches by immigrants every day and most people think that CVs will get jobs for immigrants.
Well…it is not entirely true.
In fact – CVs will NOT guarantee jobs for immigrants.
Let me explain…
So, I see good CVs and bad CVs, good CVs created by CV writers and not so good CVs.
But all of these, whether good or bad, are general CVs – and they will not guarantee jobs for immigrants.
So, here are 3 things that your CV won’t fix as an immigrant job seeker:
ATS’s Eliminate CVs in Applications To Jobs For Immigrants
I have previously done a whole explanation video about ATS’s here and another article about how ATSs eliminate your CV, here.
In short, ATSs are software used by large recruiters and most employers to screen and filter the applications for jobs.
They will eliminate some CVs coming from abroad, or CVs that are not written exactly towards satisfying the requirements for a job.
So, a general CV won’t fix that – not matter how good it is. It is just not written to satisfy the requirements for jobs for immigrants for several reasons.
A strategic immigrant’s CV, on the other hand, is written so that it overcomes some (although not all) of these obstacles which ATS’s present.
You can learn more about how to create a Strategic Immigrant’s CV – here.
A CV Transfers Only 15% of What Is Required
A CV, however good it is – can only transfer 15% of the information that is required by jobs for immigrants.
That is – skills, qualifications and experience.
Those are factual things that you can add to your CV and provide proof for. Anything that you cannot provide proof for, cannot be added to a CV.
However, most employers are making their hiring decisions based on the other 85% of things – that cannot be added to a CV.
Those things are enthusiasm, interest in the job and the business, positive attitude, interpersonal skills and communication skills.
It is important to them to check your fit when they advertise any job, including jobs for immigrants.
The only way to transfer that information is by making a personal connection and having a conversation.
Your challenge is – who are you going to talk to if you do not even know which employers will work with immigrants.
Remember, most jobs advertised on online job boards are not jobs for immigrants.
You will have to do research first, then create key connections and then build relationships with those connections, before you can know who to talk to and possibly be considered for jobs for immigrants.
That requires strategies outside the realm of a general CV and sending it to jobs online.
In fact – it requires specialist immigrant’s job search strategies.
Validity of Information
A general CV will contain your general information.
Information which is fit for applying for jobs in your local country – where everybody knows the companies you worked for and the institutions where you studied.
But, in your destination country, they have no idea about those.
You might have the highest and most prestigious qualification in the land, but employers in your new country don’t know that.
When they advertise jobs, they don’t (in most cases) advertise jobs for immigrants.
You will have to find a way of transferring to them the relevancy of you information on your CV, in their language, comparable to their levels and shown as valid and true.
Unfortunately, a general CV cannot do that when used to apply in jobs for immigrants.
You need both a strategic immigrant’s CV and you also need some unique immigrant’s job finding strategies – which goes hand in hand with that CV – to achieve that.
A job search process for finding a job as an immigrant, is vastly different to finding a job as a local.
Therefore, you cannot use a generic CV to apply for jobs for immigrants.
You must use both a specialised CV, combined with specialised immigrant’s job finding strategies.
If you need help with this, go to this link, fill out a quick survey, which will enable me to see how I can be of assistance to you.
Alternatively, if you want to speed up the process and want personal assistance, and someone to stand by you – until you have a job offer, book a Job Search Strategy Consultation, here: https://zarelsie.as.me/book-a-strategy-call

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I’m from Pakistan work electrician job hare Saudi Arabia butt I’m serious coming Canada please contact me sir expires 10 years
Follow this information for the correct process: http://zarelsie.com/4_Crucial_Steps_To_Land_A_Job_As_An_Immigrant
Am un skilled from uganda but I would like to get a job in canada, what can I do,?
I recommend you download this free guide we created for members of this group that show you where to get started and proven tips and strategies that will help you secure that elusive job offer.
Hope this helps….good luck!
If you need us to offer personal assistance or would like to discuss how our team can help you secure a job offer please feel free to book a consultation here: https://zarelsie.as.me/book-a-strategy-call?field:6480830=BlogCallInviteKisulaDerric
Can you assist with NZ CV and job search?
Hi Lyzette,
Yes, we can help you with a NZ Immigrants CV and securing a job offer.
I invite you to please go ahead with a booking for us to begin to assist you.
How to book a Strategy Consultation:
You can book a Strategy Consultation with either myself, or one of our consultants, here: https://zarelsie.as.me/book-a-strategy-call?field:6480830=BlogVIPInviteLyzettevanNiekerk
You will be able to see our availability in your time zone and upload all your documents, so I can do a proper preliminary analysis and be able to advise about the exact steps and processes going forward, on the call.
Please do not delay, we are usually very fully booked. If you don’t have Skype, don’t worry, just book the call, and we can discuss other ways of connecting with you at the agreed time. Please note, due to the tight schedule and limited amount of Strategy calls we can handle, we do not offer refunds for any reason, including non-attendance. Please make sure that you are ready to attend the scheduled call as booked.
Anton Nadilo
Founder – The Migration Mentor
From Kenya eagerly wants to come to Canada
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