Jobs Abroad – STOP And Read This Before You Apply!
So, are you ready to start looking for jobs abroad?
Have you already started sending your CV to job applications online in your destination country?
Just before you send that $350 CV somewhere…read this and see if you can answer these questions:
34 Questions (Yes…34!) You Must Answer YES To Before You Start Applying For Jobs Abroad
Have you checked your visa eligibility in your destination country? Do you know which visa you qualify for?
Do you know what you need to qualify for this visa should you secure a job offer for jobs abroad?
Do you know how the requirements of that visa influences your job search strategy?
Is all of that clearly stated on your documents – including your CV, etc?
Is your CV written strategically to give the employer/recruiter exactly what they want?
Have you had your qualifications assessed and accredited and added to your documents before you started sending those documents to applications for jobs abroad?
Have you done in depth research in the economy and job market of your destination country?
Do you know the state of the market?
Where are the jobs in the market?
Is the economy and job market and jobs in decline/growing/stagnating?
What is influencing that market and how does it affect your position as an immigrant wanting to compete with locals?
Do you know the state of the industry: Who are the main players, who is hiring, who is firing and why, etc?
Do you know what accredited employers are, how to find them and how to work with them?
Do you know the current state of your niche/field of interest?
What skills are in demand?
Is your CV written to absolutely match the skills in demand for those jobs abroad (requires you to check 20-30 job descriptions and ads and speak to several people on the ground)?
Do you know how to use transferable skills to match what they are looking for?
How is it recruited / advertised for / how are roles filled?
Who is advertising?
What are they advertising?
Where are they advertising?
What are pay rates, benefits, etc?
What does “Total Rem”, “Fixed Rem” and “Base Pay” mean and how will this affect your visa requirements if there are income thresholds present?
What are requirements in terms of certifications, registrations, affiliations?
Who have you connected with on the ground in your quest to find jobs abroad?
Who have you build deeper relationships with inside potential employers / key recruiters?
Is the recruiter you are working with in your destination country licensed (some countries require licensing of recruitment/employment agents)?
What are you saying to them / what are they saying to you?
What is their feedback on your questions/engagement/interaction in your endeavours to find jobs abroad?
Do you know how to display the attributes that cannot be displayed on a CV, which makes up 85% of the hiring decision?
Did you know that only 15% of the hiring decision is made on CV skills, experience & qualifications….?
Do you know how to overcome the barriers to immigrant job finding and finding jobs abroad? ATS’s, trust, validity of information (and many more)?
Do you have a unique immigrant’s LinkedIn profile to be able to get jobs abroad, make connections with people inside companies and do you know how to apply a relationship building and direct approach strategy – (apart from sending CVs)?
Do you know how to access the hidden job market (70% of jobs are there)?
Now…the 64-million-dollar question…
If you have answered “No” to ANY of the above – DO NOT SEND YOUR CV…
You are wasting your time, money and effort!
Can you see that a CV (although you paid $350 or more for it) is a very, very, very small part of job finding as an immigrant?
Above is just the RESEARCH necessary BEFORE you/someone else crafts a strategic immigrant’s CV…not just any CV.
Then comes the correct strategy to apply…and then comes the 3-P’s: Persistence, Perseverance and Patience.
…and resilience to get through rejection after rejection…
…I don’t write CVs – I help with a comprehensive, targeted, structured job search strategy and tools, the 3-P’s and resilience…because THAT is what is required. Not just a $350 CV…
If are overwhelmed by all of this…send me an email or get this free video series about immigrant job finding that will explain a LOT about the above…
I can help with research, tools and a proper, targeted and structured strategy which turns “No” in the above questions, to “Yes”….
If you want a complete hand-holding service with your immigration journey and to find that elusive job offer that you need so desperately complete the FREE online questionnaire here!

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I’m LAND SURVEYOR& 5.5 years experience.
Hi Vinod,
Thanks for your comment. Please feel free to contact us (via our contact page) if you need any assistance in securing a job in your destination country.
Thanks a lot for sharing this post as it contains a lot of details that have been very useful.
Hi Uloho,
It is a pleasure to have you here….
If you need any assistance securing a job offer in your destination country we would be happy to assist you.
The first step is to complete this free online application to see if you qualify for our assistance.
Go to this link to complete it >> https://bit.ly/3L7cDYg
I also recommend you download this free guide we created for members of this group that show you where to get started and proven tips and strategies that will help you secure that elusive job offer.
Hope this helps….good luck!