Immigrate To New Zealand In 6 Easy Steps: [Step 1] Should I Stay Or Go?

By Zarelsie Van Der Merwe on Dec 8,2020

Immigration Issues & Challenges

In this 6-part video series about how to successfully immigrate to New Zealand, I will take you through the 6 crucial steps to get you there.

This is the first part – Deciding whether you should immigrate to New Zealand or not.

Before I begin: There are important links below or around this video, wherever you are watching it.

Download the Big Decision Tool here.

For many years I have helped hundreds of people successfully immigrate to New Zealand, by taking their hand wherever they are in the process and helping them to become successful citizens.

Here you can see some of their stories and see how they did it. 

If you would like such a hand holding program, fill in our free quick online questionnaire here. Here I will ask for some basic details of you to determine where you are in the process and which of my services will suit to help succeed with your immigration dream.

Immigration to New Zealand requires a carefully thought out, targeted, structured process.

To begin with, let us start with step 1.

The decision to immigrate to New Zealand.

This is where many people get stuck, with the question “Should I stay, or should I go?”

Deciding, and then sticking to your decision is incredibly important, especially as things get harder, later in the process.

So, let me give you some pointers to make this decision easier:

Indecision is also a decision

Let me get this clear first.

Deciding to immigrate to New Zealand is not right or wrong, it is just a decision.

However, there is a right or wrong way of making that decision.

Indecision is also a decision. It is a decision to keep you stuck even longer.

Why – because none of the other steps which come later will work.

Indecision is a dream killer.

If you decide to immigrate to New Zealand, commit to the processes and follow through, then great.

If you decide and it was the wrong decision, you will soon find out and can then rectify that decision.

If you decide to not immigrate to New Zealand or stay where you are, or move to another country, that is great too.

The best thing you can do is decide – whether it is wrong or right, the future will tell.

The worst thing you can do is nothing. 

It will leave you with wondering what if, and with regret that you never tried.

Decisions are commitments, and it has been proven that people who make decisions fast and commit, always succeed more.

How To Make An Objective Decision

A decision to immigrate to New Zealand is always loaded with emotion, because it is based in the basic needs of human beings and usually made when those needs are threatened.

However, to make that decision in the most objective way, here is some practical help.

Make a list of your own preferences of lifestyle, career, and other factors that are important to you and your family.

If you want to immigrate to New Zealand, do proper research about the country, considering those factors.

Then score New Zealand, maybe against other countries which you are comparing also, in an objective way, using a weighted average tool.

Look for a link to a free tool below, which I call the Big Decision Tool.

I use this with our VIP clients, helping them decide whether to immigrate to New Zealand or not.

Download the Big Decision Tool here.

How To Deal With Naysayers When You Want To Immigrate To New Zealand

If you want to immigrate to New Zealand, you are inevitably going to have to deal with naysayers.

Those are the people who would not want you to do, who do not believe in your ability to make it, people who are outright jealous or think they know better.


They can destroy your dream to immigrate to New Zealand, unless you build some resilience and know how to deal with them.

It is not easy to convince family and friends who you will leave behind, that it is the best for your to immigrate to New Zealand.

Just know this: What other people think about you, is none of your business.

You are making this decision for you and your family and your future.

These people will not live your life or your future.

So, it is ok to be a bit selfish here and look after the future of yourself and your family.

The best way to deal with naysayers is to ignore them and focus on yourself and your dream.

To immigrate to New Zealand is the biggest thing you will ever do in your life.

It ranks right up there with the most stressful life events, and it will test you.

Therefore, it requires commitment, of which making a firm decision is the key.

Commitments means that no excuses are acceptable. 

There is no “trying” to make a decision to immigrate to New Zealand. 

You either do or you don’t.

If it gets hard, then do it hard. If it is difficult, then do it difficult.

But, it also means you don’t just give up, you follow through with results.

A last word: There is a great power available to you – the power to make a decision and follow through with it.

Inevitably it will lead to your better life for you and your family.

I have helped hundreds of people successfully immigrate to New Zealand, by taking their hand wherever they are in the processes and helping them to become successful citizens.

If you would like such a hand holding program, look for the link to my free quick online questionnaire below. 

Here I will ask for some basic details of you to determine where you are in the process and which of my services will suit to help succeed with your immigration dream.

You can also book a book a Strategy Consultation with me, if you need to help you with the decision making process.


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