Job Hunting As An Immigrant – 3 Powerful Tips That Will Guarantee Your Success!
Many people go over to their destination country on a look, see and decide visit and find themselves on the ground job hunting as an immigrant – without much luck.
This video is applicable for those who are on the ground job hunting as an immigrant.
Here are 3 more powerful tips to make to make that job hunting as an immigrant, on the ground, worthwhile.
Tip #1 – Preparation For On The Ground Job Hunting As An Immigrant
Your preparation should not just include getting CVs rewritten and booking accommodation.
The worst thing you can do as when on the ground job hunting as an immigrant, is to send CVs from a hotel room in your destination country.
It is the worst and most ineffective use of your time and money.
When you get to this point you should have done a lot of research already, have made some key connections with people inside the companies in your new country, who will and are allowed to work with immigrants.
You should have interviews or meetings booked already – with at least 12 – 15 people in your destination country, from your connections and relationships.
And I am talking dates and times…
Then, when you get there, you can just attend them.
This will enable you to display the 85% of attributes which employers use to base their hiring decision on – enthusiasm, interest, communication skills, interpersonal skills, etc.
Your CV cannot go to this length.
They want a person to appoint, not a set of skills and experiences, and by having these meetings, you can portray those attributes which creates trust and familiarity with you as a real person.
Tip #2 – Who Is Advertising?
When you get to your new country, on the first day, sit down and do a search of the advertised jobs on the major job banks. Use your most common keywords (job title, key skill etc), and search for relevant jobs, advertised.
Do not apply for these jobs! Again, the worst thing you can do is apply for jobs with a CV from a hotel room while you are on the ground job hunting as an immigrant. It is the most common mistakes immigrant job seekers make – that will cost them dearly!
You now should look at who is advertising, instead.
Companies, recruiters or individuals – who are allowed (by law), and willing to work with immigrants.
Filter that list of possibly several hundred job ads, to only those who you know can work with immigrants.
The rest is a waste of time.
If you do not know who they are – well…then you have not done your research properly.
Book a call with me here to help you with that NOW: https://zarelsie.as.me/immigrant-job-search-blueprint
You should also only include the jobs which were advertised in the last 7 – 10 days, not older.
The reason you are doing the search now, is to get freshly advertised jobs. Older listings will expire in a few days.
Then, start contacting them, by email, or call those for whom there is a phone number.
The reason you are calling/emailing them, is that if you just apply – the application, interview and selection process will take longer than what you have time for while on the ground job hunting as an immigrant.
You cannot wait…
You should make at least 50-80 calls or send emails.
You might have 10-15 positive responses, and from our research, out of every 10 or so, a job offer eventuates.
If you do it right…
This is the Direct Approach Strategy…
By far, the most successful strategy for job hunting as an immigrant…but not for the faint hearted…
Here is a script to use during your calls or emails – DO NOT ASK FOR A JOB!
Modify the script for your situation.
“I am here in (country) on a business visit until (date) in the (….) industry. I am a (job title/role) in the (….) industry in (your old country). I want to see the (….) industry from the inside in (country) and found your details in my research. Your company/you struck me as a leader in (name something that you saw on the ad/on website, etc), and I was wondering if you would be so kind to meet with me to answer some of my questions about the industry/market/ (…) roles.”
Tip #3 – Give Attention
No human can deny attention, and all your approaches, whether in person or by media, should be laden with attention.
What is attention giving?
It is being interested in someone, their role, their business, their company, industry, etc.
Imagine if someone is interested in you (giving attention) – does it invoke positive reaction from you?
Do the same in your job search approach on the ground as an immigrant.
You cannot go wrong!
That’s it…
These are incredibly powerful things to do while on the ground job hunting as an immigrant, and it does not involve sending CVs – which we know does not work!
If you are implementing this, let me know how it went.
If you need help, email me [email protected], OR book a personal Immigrant’s Job Finding Strategy Call here: https://zarelsie.as.me/immigrant-job-search-blueprint
(If you want to know what the all is about, watch this video): https://youtu.be/duBBiK-vZOo.
I have a program where I can take people all the way from before they arrive, through the research, all the documents, CVs, LinkedIn work, connections, relationship building and scripts, etc, UNTIL THEY HAVE A JOB OFFER.
Do you want to be one of them?
First, book a call here: https://zarelsie.as.me/immigrant-job-search-blueprint
I want you to be well prepared and well trained for your visit on the ground job hunting as an immigrant.
And I want to stay there, until you have that job offer in hand, and start your new life, in your new country.
If you want a complete hand-holding service with your immigration journey and to find that elusive job offer that you need so desperately complete the FREE online questionnaire here!

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Hi Zarelsie, you were the first person making a huge impression on me w.r.t. searching a career in a new country. My daughter and son has already immigrated to New Zealand. My wife and I have decided to follow in there footsteps and are serious to relocate as we are a very close family. I am well experienced and a specialist in various fields in the power, steam,water, waste water and renuwable energy fields as it appears in my CV. I definitely would want to make use of your sevices as I plan to visit them and explore possible career oportunities. I plan to visit them during July. I found your advice extremely valuable and would like to follow your advice. Could you please advise? I am currently based in South Africa. Where are you based?
Hi Kobus, thanks for your kind words, I would love to help. This document will provide you with the whole process to follow and also some information on how to contact me directly, to assist. : http://zarelsie.com/4_Crucial_Steps_To_Land_A_Job_As_An_Immigrant
Hi Zarelsie can you please help me in the process. I have try in so many ways and failed. I live in Liberia. I hope that God will touch your heart to help me.
Yes we would love to help you Adolphus….!
You can book a strategy call directly with Zarélsie Van der Merwe or one of her team of expert job search consultants here: https://zarelsie.com/About_The_Strategy_Call