LinkedIn Quick Tip – Finding Hidden Jobs As An Immigrant Job Seeker
Not all jobs are advertised on jobs listings and job search engines and as an immigrant, you MUST follow strategies to find hidden jobs.
In fact, most jobs are never advertised, as much as 80%, and even of the remaining 20%, you will never see it on job search listings.
So how can you get access to these hidden jobs?
In this video, I will show you how to get some access to a portion of that hidden job market.
If you want to know how to be best prepared, primed and ready for the future coming boom as an international job seeker, check out the replay of my recent, free webinar here.
In this video, I will reveal a quick LinkedIn tip to help you get access to some of the hidden jobs, internationally.
We know that before the coronavirus crisis and ensuing economic meltdown, less than 20% of jobs were ever advertised.
They were filled by referrals and recommendations.
There is real proof of this, and some businesses even have policies to not advertise and only employ through referrals, because these hires are much better quality and takes less effort, time and money.
The Effect Of Coronavirus Economic Downturn on Job Ads
After coronavirus hit, jobs listings are down, and there are more people unemployed.
Also, as an added difficulty factor in the job market, more companies who have jobs vacancies, will not advertise these online anymore, because of budget constraints.
This includes employers themselves and also recruiters. After all, they are also businesses who now have cost constraints and are cutting costs.
They will look at alternative ways of hiring and getting the best talented people to their jobs.
One example is using social media POSTS, instead of creating a job ad.
This creates a big pool of hidden jobs – which you will never see!
Let me explain…
When an employer or a recruiter has a vacancy to advertise, they use a platform like a job listing website, for example, SEEK in New Zealand and Australia, or LinkedIn.
However, they pay a lot of money for just one job ad.
On SEEK, it can cost an employer anything from $275 to $675 or more for just one vacancy, for one month.
On LinkedIn, it is around $475 for one job listing.
What if that advertiser is a recruiter, who have 2,000 – 3,000 vacancies on their books, which they must fill for their client employers?
That is a huge cost to them.
For a small business, paying that for one ad, or getting a recruiter, who will cost them up to 30% of that person’s first years’ salary, is a major expense, which most cannot afford.
Especially in the cost cutting environment after coronavirus.
So here is what they do instead:
They post a vacancy on social media like LinkedIn or Facebook as a general POST or in the groups on these platforms.
Here are a few examples:
In fact, you probably have seen these posts by chance or seen these groups in Facebook, especially for jobs in certain towns or regions.
This makes up a huge pool of hidden jobs, which you can only access, following the steps below.
Those employers and recruiters post there for free.
How can you get access to these hidden jobs, and be notified when it is posted.
So here is what you must do.
Step 1 to find hidden jobs – cull your unnecessary connections from LinkedIn.
Yes, if the connections you have on LinkedIn is obsolete and not contributing to you getting a job as an immigrant in your destination country, get rid of them. Disconnect them!
This is one way of optimising your LinkedIn Profile as an immigrant.
Why would you want to see their posts?
Step 2 – Make a list of your target employers and target recruiters to find their hidden jobs.
This requires a lot of research about targeted employers and recruiters, in terms of your eligibility.
Step 3 – Find their LinkedIn pages and follow them.
You can usually find this on their website. Now follow them, click the follow button on their LinkedIn page.
If they are a company, follow their pages.
Their news, and posts of hidden jobs, will show up in your news feed.
Step 4 – Look in your niche on the job listings websites for individuals to add to your network.
Use SEEK in Australia and New Zealand, LinkedIn, Jora, Indeed, Adzuna, Monster, etc – depending where you are in the world.
If you now see any individual recruiters or individuals at companies advertising those jobs, go to LinkedIn, find them there and connect with them.
They are likely going to be an external recruiter, internal recruitment officer or administrator or the hiring manager themselves.
Connect on LinkedIn and send them this message: “Hi Tom, I am moving to xxx country soon, I am in the market for xxx jobs, I see that you are in xxx position, and would like to add you to my network to see more of your opportunities and news in my newsfeed. Kind regards Bev”.
Just ask for a connection, nothing more and make your intentions clear – after all that is this person’s job to advertise jobs or recruit.
Now – you will see it when they post any vacancies in their newsfeed, which are NOT job ads. These are the hidden jobs which you would not have access to, unless you followed the steps above!
Job ads which are relevant to you and advertised online are automatically shown to you by LinkedIn if you have set up your alerts in the back end correctly, but otherwise, you will never see these hidden market job listings you follow these steps.
Remember, to make this work, you MUST have a list of targeted employers and recruiters and follow them. For that a ton of research is required.
You can also do this in Facebook, join the Groups and their posts will show in your news feed.
The same with LinkedIn Groups.
Now, put this into practice today, and remember to cull your obsolete connections, otherwise it will dilute your newsfeed and you will never see these crucial posts.
Here is another tip – sometimes these posts are posted by fellow connections in LinkedIn, who are NOT recruiters of hiring managers, because they know about opportunities which are never advertised.
Make sure your connections are all very targeted and well thought out.
If you want to know how to be best prepared, primed and ready for the future coming boom as an international job seeker, check out the replay of my recent, free webinar here.
If you want a complete hand-holding service with your immigration journey and to find that elusive job offer that you need so desperately complete the FREE online questionnaire here!
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