Job Interview Preparation – How To Ace An Interview As An Immigrant [ Part 2 ]
In this mini-series of videos of “How To ace your interview as an immigrant”, we will look at getting job interview preparation as an immigrant.
In Part I of How To Ace An Interview As An Immigrant – we looked at researching the organisation or company first, so you get a great idea of who they are, what their goals are and how you fit into it.
Now, in this 2nd video, let us look at researching the role as part of job interview preparation as an immigrant.
And here is a tip – if you can get this part right – you can ace ANY interview.
Remember – if you want are confused, overwhelmed and fearful as an immigrant job seeker and have no idea where to start and what to do, fill out our quick questionnaire. There, we will gather some of your key information, review it and get back to you to see how we can assist with a hand-holding program to help you succeed to reach your dream destination country.
Also – don’t forget to subscribe to this channel to get informed when I release new videos like this one for immigrant job seekers around the world.
The best way to prepare for a job interview preparation is to research the role to know exactly what you are being interviewed for.
Job Description
You will need to view the job description for this, not just the job ad. Make sure you ask for it, if you do not have it yet.
Look at the requirements, or competencies of key skills listed on the job description.
Determine How You Fit The Role
Make up a sentence or two about how you fit each of those. See each one as a question on a questionnaire and write down your answer to it. It should have been addressed closely on your CV already.
Then comes the magic. For each of those key competencies or requirements, find 1-2 really great examples of work or projects which you have completed or achievements which you may have in that space.
Job Interview Preparation Using The S-T-A-R principle.
That is S = situation, T – Task at hand, A – Actions undertaken and R – results. If you want to know more about the STAR principle, just Google it.
Use Quantifiable Information
For the best job interview preparation, make sure you include great quantifiable information in these examples, for example, budgets, timelines, your role in it, how many people you supervised, how much was saved, what the impact was in dollars, time, etc, etc.
Here is a great tip – If you get this part done, you can ace ANY interview with ease. This is really the secret of just being able to complete any interview with ease.
Interviews are usually conducted with the behavioural style – i.e. they check your future behaviour based on part behaviour, and this is where the STAR examples will come in handy. Make sure you know those really well. You need to rehearse your STAR examples.
If you are under stress during an interview and know these examples by heart, you do not need to think as hard and as much and this makes up 80% of your job interview preparation.
STAR examples should also be uploaded as projects, accolades or achievements in LinkedIn and your activity in LinkedIn should be peppered with these examples. THIS is what employers want to see!
So, don’t just say you can do something – show the proof, using STAR examples.
Getting your STAR examples right, will leave you 100% prepared for any technical and behavioural questions related to the role, during the interview.
This is 80% of the work done for job interview preparation.
In the next video we will look at researching the person or people who is going to interview you, and you will be surprised at how important that is in your job interview preparation!
Remember, there are 4 parts to this miniseries about acing your interview as an immigrant, and you can find the links to the videos and your job interview preparation, here:
Part I – Researching the Organisation/Employer
Part II – Researching the Role
Part III – Researching the Interviewer(s)
Part IV – Technical tips and setup.
Remember – if you want are confused, overwhelmed and fearful as an immigrant job seeker and have no idea where to start and what to do, fill out our quick questionnaire. There, we will gather some of your key information, review it and get back to you to see how we can assist with a hand-holding program to help you succeed to reach your dream destination country.
See you in the next video.

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